Intro Schedule Demo The Most Complete Healthcare Solution Free Trial Elevated Healthcare

Nothing to Download

Our cloud based solution can be accessed at anytime by any device and is easy to use for both clinicians and patients

HIPAA Compliant

Verify MC is HIPAA compliant and uses’s powerful HIPAA, HI-TRUST solution Learn More at


Verify MC has a BAA backed by one of the leading HIPAA compliant hosting and security companies,

The Most Advanced
All-In-One Medical Software

  • Patient EMR

  • Patient forms

  • Appointments

  • Invoicing

  • e-Signatures

  • Telemedicine

  • Payment processing

  • Email + SMS alerts

  • Custom branding

  • And much, much more

Accessible From Any Device
Desktop, tablet & smartphone

Video Chat With Patients

  • Optimized for all devices

  • Nothing to download

  • Custom Forms

  • Secure payments

  • Coupons

  • Referral System

A Trusted and Reliable Solution
Powering Over 400,00 Patients

  • Optimized for all devices

  • Nothing to download

  • Suite of Tools

  • Secure payments

  • Coupons

  • Referral System

Software Tour

60 Help Videos
To Get You Started

We have developed over 30 help videos that include voice over to help you get started and master the software

Technology Integrations