
Background: As you might guess, The Hemp Network is the direct sales force affiliated with Medical Marijuana Inc, an Oregon corporation established in 2009. Despite evoking images of Cheech and Chong, it is a serious business with proper medical applications.

Amidst all the controversy, Medical Marijuana Inc. (OTC:MJNA) entered a pre-launch phase in April, 2010 and is seriously building a distributor base in full compliance with the law.

Never before have hemp products been distributed through the network business model.

As the medical marijuana industry achieves recognition, validation and quality control in the marketplace, the network model seems a proper platform for distribution.

Medical Products: Unquestionably, the demand for medical marijuana exists. These products have proven application for pain and nausea relief for cancer patients in particular. Presumably they will utilize a delivery system that is safer and smoke-free although little information is presently available.

Other hemp products such as soap, shampoos and cleaning supplies may be included but at present, there is little information about the full product line-up.

Per company president, Don Steinberg, “We are all now at the ‘right time, right place’ to take advantage of an industry that has been around for thousands of years, with products derived from hemp being used today by millions of people.”

Business Opportunity: For a $100 start up fee, you can become an independent consultant. It is likely that some licensing procedures may be implemented as a prerequisite to starting.

Compensation will be based on a binary system that is typical and proven in the network marketing industry. More details of the compensation are anticipated in advance of the actual launch date which has been delayed more than once.

As a binary system, you must build 2 legs of operation. Commissions are anticipated to range from 10-50% depending on the reach of your ‘legs.’

This is one industry that is hardly likely to advise you to tap your ‘warm market’ of friends and family except for non-regulated products.

Your market will be controlled as users will have to be documented by medical professionals.

Getting out the ‘buzz’ about about your business means applying other means. The best means would be internet marketing.

Using social media marketing, you can strategically place your business in the forefront. Connect with an experienced internet mentor who can show you the ropes.

The internet is lauded as the new business frontier of the 21st century. No new business, particularly one like this, can afford to ignore that fact.

You must build a list of quality leads and supplement those contacts with ethical, quality service and attention.

Be sure to get more information about the product line and compensation package as the product nears launch time and learn about the founders’ backgrounds and reputations. These are key factors to assess before affiliating with any new business venture.

Learn the right skills to use internet marketing to best advantage,. You will then be well positioned to smoke the competition once the product launches.


Source by Lauren B Botney