
Many marijuana users and activists believe that cigarette smoking is more dangerous to your physical health than marijuana. While it is thought to be true that cigarette smoking is more harmful for your body than pot, it is completely false to assume that pot has no negative impact on your physical health. There are many physical problems associated with pot smoking, and therefore it is important to avoid marijuana. Inhaling any smoke into your lungs on a regular basis can never be good for you, no matter how hard pot activists and users try to convince you otherwise. Let’s take a look at some of the short-term and long-term physical side-effects of marijuana use in order to understand that it is a habit that, like cigarette smoking, s harmful for your body.

Short-term physical consequences of marijuana use

Smoking marijuana causes the following short-term physical changes to your body:

· Increased heartbeat

· Change in blood pressure

· Dilated, bloodshot eyes

· Dry mouth

· Hunger

While these short-term side effects are not life threatening, they can cause an incredible amount of discomfort and it is not healthy for your blood pressure to rapidly spiral up and down-this can lead to heart problems and heart attacks later down the road. Your body is more sensitive than you think and even short-term changes caused by marijuana can play a role in affecting your mood and your long-term health.

Long-term physical consequences of marijuana use

There are many negative long-term physical effects associated with marijuana use:

· Increased production of phlegm and dry coughing

· Increased lung infections

· Increased acute chest infections

· Impaired memory

· Disorientation

· Impaired immune system

· Heart attacks and heart problems

Smoking pot can damage your heart, brain, lungs, and immune system. These are vital parts of your physical make-up and if they do not function properly your quality of life will suffer dramatically. While there hasn’t been a definitive link established between cancer and pot smoking, the other risks listed above should be enough to deter you- many people don’t realize that there are other, sometimes far more damaging health risks associated with inhaling any kind of smoke than cancer.

Marijuana use does have negative impact on your physical body, both in the short and long-term. While cigarette smoking gets the bad reputation, particularly relative to cancer, pot smoking shouldn’t be given a free pass-it is dangerous too. Both pot and cigarette smoking are habits that should be avoided at all costs if you want to maintain optimal physical health and lead an enjoyable life.


Source by Maureen Hamilton