
Prescription medications can be dangerous. Even over-the-counter medications can sometimes cause negative reactions. These medications include chemicals that can cause allergic reactions, negatively react with other substances, and cause a wide range of other problems.

Every time a consumer turns on their television, they are bombarded with commercials for prescription drugs. However, half of these commercials are spent warning users of side effects, ranging from mild to sometimes fatal. It makes many people question what they are putting into their bodies.

The Advantages of Medicinal Cannabis Over Traditional Medications:

One of the main reasons for medical marijuana is that it’s safe. It is almost impossible to overdose and very few people report negative side effects. The people that do report side effects complain of things like warped time perception or short term memory loss. The side effects of marijuana are extremely mild when comparing them with the effects caused by other medications.

Medical marijuana has been found to be even safer than aspirin. Aspirin, which was first introduced in 1899, has caused around 500 deaths every year. Aspirin can also cause stomach bleeding, stomach problems, liver damage, nausea, vomiting, and many other side effects.

Cannabis, on the other hand, has been used for thousands of years without one reported overdose. Cannabis can cause fatigue, hunger, paranoia, forgetfulness, and euphoria. Fortunately, except in the case of euphoria, these effects will wear off in approximately two to four hours.

The fact is, medical marijuana is safer than almost any prescription drug. For thousands of years it has been used by people all over the world for medical reasons. Until 1937, It was the leading medication for around 100 conditions in the United States. These are the marijuana facts that are rarely stated, but are true nonetheless.

The Disadvantages of Medical Marijuana, When Compared to Prescription Drugs:

Of course, there are also disadvantages to medical marijuana. The main disadvantage is that it is not a cure-all. However, neither is any synthetic drug.

Medicinal marijuana can usually not be used to cure medical conditions. Instead, it is used to manage the negative effects of these conditions. Obtaining a medical marijuana card will not save patients from requiring any other medication during their lifetime. Fortunately, patients that have difficulty with other medications or want to limit the amount of synthetic chemicals they put into their body, can use medical cannabis to successfully treat a wide range of symptoms.


Source by Charles M. Brooks