
I recently read about a study that proved that multitasking reduces your IQ more than smoking pot.

Scary huh?

I know this is hard to believe, but its true.

It’s hard to believe because most people believe that multitasking is good, and that it is the best way to get things done.

Multitasking is just one of those things that everyone does. We live in a world where we are pretty much forced to multitask. From text messages to instant messaging (IM), we are always bombarded with different things that need our attention.

Things get especially difficult for students, who have to balance schoolwork with their jobs and their social life. There is always something going on, and it’s very rare to have time when you are free of any interruptions.

Until recently, I used to multitask all the time. I would study, check my email, and watch TV all at the same time. I used to think that I was spending my time “efficiently.”

Boy, was I wrong…

Research proves that it takes 15 – 30 minutes to fully recover from an interruption.

This means that every interruption that occurs while you study takes 15 – 30 minutes to fully recover from.

That’s right. Text messages, phone calls, and even mom bringing in food to your room will take 15 – 30 minutes to recover from.

I think multitasking is one of the biggest reasons why students don’t do as well as they want to in school.

By simply stopping yourself from multitasking, you will increase your productivity and improve your grades.

My grades drastically improved after I stopped multitasking. I went from being an average student in high school to one of the best students in college.

I know it’s almost impossible to completely eliminate multitasking from your life, so start small.

Your first step could be studying for 1 hour every day WITHOUT ANY INTERRUPTIONS.

This means that during the 1 hour period, turn off your cell phone, email alerts, IM, TV, etc, and focus only on studying. Do not allow yourself to be interrupted during the entire period.

You will be surprised at how much you will get done by focusing for 1 hour without any interruptions.

Studying for 1 hour without interruptions is better than studying for 10 hours with interruptions.

Preventing yourself from multitasking while you study will probably improve your grades more than any test taking tips or study skills out there.


Source by Dan Yumoto